FUE Hair Transplants $4.99/graft

Regular fee $5.99 per graft. Excessive scarring due to prior procedures subject to an additional fee.
Minimum surgery 1000 grafts.  Inquire about 100% “No Interest Financing” OAC

Large FUE Cases is Our Specialty
FUE Graft Cases in One Day

Our FUE Procedures aren’t limited by the size of the case. Limits are Donor Dependency…If you have Low Donor Density, prior hair transplant donor scars etc.  We typically do 3000+ FUE cases in one day. We use 2 surgery teams per FUE case.

Our surgical teams average 18 years experience. Whereas our competitors are limited to 1 surgical team and/or Robot Machine per case. Robots have their own set of limitations. Be sure to get a second opinion.

Our advanced technology combined with our proprietary surgical knowledge gives us the advantage, which produces the results patients trust us to deliver.

“No Linear Scar”    “No Sutures”   “No Staples”   “No Post-Op Pain”


FUE Hair Transplant

See Comparison Chart Below

    FUE Explained In 60 Sec

   FUE Advantage

  • No Linear Scar
  • No Sutures/Staples
  • Fast Recovery
  • Minimum Discomfort
  • Ideal For Very Short Haircuts
  • Ideal For Donor Revision

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), can be thought of as a “One-Hair-At-A-Time” method.  Using the FUE technique, hairs are extracted in their naturally occurring 1, 2, 3, and 4 hair follicular units from areas of the scalp that are resistant to balding.  Then transplanted into tiny incisions in the balding areas.  Read What to expect the Day Of and the Day after an FUE procedure.

Both FUE and FUG produce amazing natural-looking results.  Both techniques place hairs the way they would naturally grow.  The big difference is the way in which the hairs are extracted. While FUG excises long, thin strips of scalp, FUE makes a tiny circular punch around each follicular unit. While FUG involves a thin scar which is difficult to detect, even on close inspection, FUE leaves only tiny circular marks that are typically also undetectable.  There are no sutures or bandages with FUE.

The FUE Hair Transplant procedure has some important advantages and considerations.  We are proud to offer both techniques as well as this brief comparison of the two methods.

Follicular Unit Extraction FUE Post Op Pictures  Follicular Unit Extraction FUE 2 days after surgery  Follicular Unit Extraction FUE 30 days after surgery

Advantages of FUE

  • Scarring:  The tiny circular marks where the donor hairs have been extracted are usually undetectable.  This may be an important consideration for men who wear their hair very short, maybe a #1 guard or zero.
  • Faster Recovery: Because FUE is less invasive and there are no sutures, recovery is quicker than the strip method.

Considerations of FUE

  • More Expensive:  Because removing one hair at a time from the donor area is more time consuming and labor-intensive, this procedure is a more expensive alternative than FUG.
  • Short Hair Requirement:  Cutting your hair short or shaving the back of your head is needed to extract Natural Follicular Units from your donor area.

Compare For Yourself The Difference Between FUE + FUG/FUT

Compare Surgery FUE Extraction FUT Strip Method
Surgery Invasiveness Minimally Invasive Moderately Invasive
Donor Harvesting Extracted one by one Extracted from strip
Donor Scarring Tiny circular scars Long fine linear scar
Donor Healing Time 5 to 7 days 14 to 30 days
Donor Size Requirement 50 – 70 sq cm area 1 sq cm wide
Donor Closure type None required Sutures
Pain Discomfort None to Minimum Minimum to moderate
Return To Work Next day 2 days
Exercise or Activities Start Next 5 to 7 days None for 14 to 30 days
Haircut Length Shave donor area Any length
Graft Harvest Limits 3000 max per session 5000 max per session
Procedure Time 4 – 12 hours 4 – 7 hours
Cost Per Graft Range $7 to $9 $3 to $5