Discomfort is generally mild following an FUE hair transplant procedure. You will be prescribed medication for the discomfort but you might not need it. Some of our patients are fine with an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol, or even nothing at all. You may feel some tightness or soreness.  Swelling and numbness are possible but both are temporary conditions.

Aftercare:  A complete set of aftercare instructions will be provided by our office. On the morning after your hair transplant surgery, you’ll be able to shower and shampoo your hair.

Resumption of activities:  You’ll be able to go back to your daily routine almost immediately, including resumption of exercise. Our office will provide detailed, personal recommendations.

Your appearance:  You’ll probably see some redness and scabbing immediately after the procedure but these will disappear after a few days and after the first week you’ll probably feel presentable. During the first week, you might be more comfortable wearing a hat in public.

More than 98% of the transplanted follicular units will survive and grow. You’ll see hair follicles appear to be growing within a week. These are actually the hairs that had been growing prior to being relocated to the bald areas. Normally these old hair shafts will fall out (since most transplanted follicles go into the resting phase). Then about 90 days later they will start to grow new hairs!

The transplanted hair will begin to fall out about two weeks after your hair transplant. This is perfectly normal! The follicles will continue to grow and you’ll begin to see new hair growth about eight to 12 weeks after the procedure. The new hair will be fine at first but it will continue to grow and thicken over the next few months. You’ll see full results in about a year.

Scheduling additional sessions: Once the newly transplanted hair has begun to grow out, additional sessions can usually be performed after six months.  Only if your hair restoration goal requires multiple sessions.  Each hair restoration procedure stands on its own, your end-results will be completely natural in appearance.